OLAE Sponsors
OLAE would like to thank the following for their sponsorship and support.
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Yappie Club Supporters
OLAE Yappie Club Supporters have donated $200 or more.
Best Friend Lounge Supporters
OLAE Best Friend Lounge Supporters have donated $51-$199.
Colleen, Tom, and Mona (woof) Williams
Nick Lukson
Jon, Sally and Penny Raymond
David Scholsser
Pat Groff and Banner
Wallace Danielson
Shannan Trivett
Tim Humphries & Luke (woof)
Bruce Anderson
Grant Palmer & Elvis (woof)
Vivian Adams and Roxie & Macee (woof)
Gloria Anderson
Bruce Lindeke and Beary
Glenda Konkol
The Govan Family & Kona
Mark Winsor
Vivian Adams
Lorraine Monroe
Pat and Nancy Hawkes
Terry Russell in loving memory of Franki
Dondi and Ted Modrezejewski & Chiquita (woof)
Trader Joe's Lynnwood
Shay and Kyle Hastler
Louis and Patricia Leatham in honor of Haakon the Good
Diane Buckshnis & Spike
Bonnie Klasell & Maggie
Lori Parsons & Beary
Ross Monroe
Steve Tholl and Spike
Ben Groff
Garden Gear
EarthArt International
Christine Rickert
Gloria Anderson
Jack and Sharon Jenson
K-9 Veteran's Memorial Statue Supporters
Jolene Otter and Kirby in memory of Payton, Kirby's Alsatian Freinemy
Laura Van Leuven
Pat Groff
Hal Zach
Richard B. Glassburn
Kathe Matrone
Anne Temple
Bode and Herman Freeman (woof)
Shane and Heidi DeBoer
Darlin Brint
Kona Govan (woof)
Kent Walker
Diane Buckshnis and Steve Tholl in loving memory of Marjorie Buckshnis
Renee McRae
John and Carol Austenfeld & Sam
John and Anne Winskie
Steve Tholl and Diane Buckshnis loving memory of Edith Tholl